Welcome to the blog!
Here you’ll find some longer form education that expands on our text nudge system. Some of the topics we cover are specifically related to each of our boxes. Other blogs have been written because we were feeling inspired, we saw a specific need, or simply as our own way of processing the events in our lives.
We hope this can be a library that cultivates more informed, supportive, and empathetic communities. If you’d like to see us cover any specific topics, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
It’s OKAY if that Mental Health Cure Doesn’t Work for You
"I’ve gone to the gym every night this week and had 3 bubble baths, so why am I still anxious?"
It’s Just High School
"To that heartbroken teenager in your life, those too-loud 1 a.m. phone calls and uncomfortably sloppy locker makeouts were, well, their firsts. Their first brave steps beyond familial and other platonic relationships..."
Whose Side Are You On?
A successful breakup is often a journey of rediscovery, of reidentifying oneself as a single, complete person.