The Breakup/Divorce Box Products

Forget the prick! Get it? Because cacti are prickly. Okay, cringey dad jokes aside, we wanted these beautiful earrings to be a reminder of two things: 1) he/she is a prick, goodbye; and 2) go explore — find peace in being alone and discover the passions you may have put to the wayside during your relationship. The world is waiting for you.

We wanted to create a simple, yet aesthetically pleasing and useful reminder that “it gets better.” Each 3.5 oz. tin has been hand poured in Grand Rapids, MI. The wood wick will deliver a crackling glow for up to 15 hours. These soy travel candles burn cleanly and safely — it has a lower melting point, so it will not burn or stain if spilled. When you’re done, pop on the lid and your candle will be ready for your next escape.

Representing a range of emotions and clever ways to vent about your ex, these haikus are entertaining and enraging, as well as enlightening and empowering. So if you’re currently going through a breakup—whether you did the deed or are on the receiving end of it—let this collection of inventive poems help you say “f*ck you” to that special someone and eventually “love you” to yourself.

After you light your lovely soy candle, grab another match and go to town on the pictures! Looking at photos of you and your ex can open wounds that are slowly starting to heal.

Disclaimer (because there is always someone): we do not condone arson

This is a Handmade product, so the sticks may be differ from what you see in the picture. This sage and lavender smudge stick includes English Lavender flowers which adds a deeper sense of calm and peace to your space. Smudging, the ritual burning of sage, is done to clear a space or person of negative energies — smudge away the negative energy your ex may have left behind! The addition of lavender makes this smudge wand truly special. The lavender and sage are ethically harvested, bundled and tied by hand, and gently dried.